National Bank of Fujairah
United Arab Emirates

Customer Details

Remittance Details(Fill in capital letters only)

Please click here for more information on FTS codes
Please click here for more information on FTS codes

Additional Details Required

  Please note that we have already received the goods and attach herewith copies of invoice and transport document(BL/AWB/Delivery order) for your records.
  Please note that this is an 'Advance Payment Request' and attach herewith the proforma Invoice/Purchase order. we undertake to submit copies of Invoice and relevant transport documents(BL/AWB) within 45 days from the date of financing.
  • Please ensure adequate due diligence is done at your end while providing payment instructions to remit funds to the beneficiary especially when you use a new IBAN or using the IBAN for the first time. Further ensure that the identity of the beneficiary is known and verified, particularly in instances where an IBAN change is requested for. Also, please ensure due diligence is done verifying bank account details on all cross-border beneficiary details before providing payment instructions.
  • We confirm no other financing under the transaction exist or will be sought from any other bank/Institution.
  • We hereby agree to compensate and keep National Bank of Fujairah PJSC indemnified all times against any loss damage, liability claim, or changes which shall be incurred by the bank on the account of you executing our instructions as stated in this request form. Furthermore, We hereby undertake to indemnify the bank and hold the bank harmless against any claim that might arise from any party and shall not initiate any claim or file a dispute in this respect.
  • The bank is hereby irrevocably and unconditionally to authorize to debit our account held with it for any fees or charges without any prior notice to us.
  • In consideration of agreeing to process the transaction at our request,we hereby undertake and agree to idemnify uou and hold you harmless against all potential losses that may be suffered by bank on account of transaction/payment being blocked by corrospondent banks(s) due to the united states of America or United Nations or any sanctions issued by any entity whatsoever
  • NBF is not liable if,or any other person,fails or delays to perform the transaction or discloses information or discloses information as a result of actual or potential breach of sanction which involves United States of America/United NAtions/and other other sanction issued by any entity whatsoever or any other regulatory authority.
For any queries/clarification,you may please contact any one of the following representative

Input characters as shown above

Note : No alternations/changes to this smart form application is permitted after the online submission. In case of any changes only a new smart form application must be submitted.